
The Long-Term Disability Insurance Claims for Otolaryngologists (ENT Doctors)

Attorneys Gregory Dell and Alex Palamara discuss disability claims for Otolaryngologists or Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) physicians. Insurance companies will minimize the physical and mental demands of an ENT. Requests are made for CPT/surgical codes to understand your occupation but insurance companies will ignore most other duties of an ENT to include examinations, testing, or general work in a clinical setting. In addition, insurance companies will minimize the mental and cognitive demands required as an ENT.

It is crucial that you explain all of the demands of your occupation, both mentally and physically. It is also crucial that you work with your physician to explain how your health conditions prevent you from sustaining work. You may also have a chronic condition but continue to work. The insurance company will question what changed to suddenly merit a disability claim. Preparing for disability or preparing an appeal requires strategy. Our disability lawyers can help in preparing medical and occupational evidence to win your disability claim.

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